The act of reading is a partnership. The author builds house, but the reader makes it a home.
-- Jodi Picoult

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2015 Reading List

Since it's new year, it's time for a "new-year-new-something-kind-of-posts", yes? So, now, obviously, I have here a list of books I look forward on reading this year. Usually, since I started reading 4 years ago, I've always been into Dystopian, Science-Fiction and Young-Adult Contemporary books. And Fantasy. But well, Fantasy is another story because I'm kinda tired of reading books with that genre, or maybe just those vampires, werewolves and fallen angels type of characters. I want to try other types of fantasy books. Anyway, my 2015 goal is to broaden the book genres that I get to read. I want to try genres such as Mystery, Thriller, Horror and Classic books. So this year, I'm like trying to get out of my comfort zone. Scary. But, any adventures with the involvement of books will surely be something I will enjoy.

P.S. My list still composes of those genres that I get used to read.

1. A Song of Ice and Fire by G.R.R. Martin – Does this ring a bell? Yes. It’s where the popular HBO tv series Game of Thrones is based. I really love this tv series wherein, yeah, basing on the title, it’s a game of thrones in the kingdom of Westeros. Anyway, it’s more than that. The book/tv series has impressively huge setting. And definitely, huge number of characters that when I first watched it, I was like, “Who’s this guy?” “Who is she again?” Lol. Now you might ask me, “Why read it when you’ve watched it already?” Well, as I have said, I love the tv series because it’s fantastic so I expect the book series has way more than what the tv series has offered and will offer in the future. So yeah, I am so reading this series. By the way, it’s fantasy. But no vampires and fallen angels, thankfully.  

2. The Young Elites  by Marie Lu – Another fantasy book! This is written by one of my favorite authors so this is definitely a priority. This book was released last quarter of 2014 and I don’t want to read it until I get my own copy. I’m actually waiting for my sister to gift it to me for my graduation hahaha! I have already heard a lot of great feed backs about this book and how much this book broke a lot of readers’ hearts and I’m really excited to get my heart broken, too.
3. Gillian Flynn books – Gillian Flynn is the author of the book Gone Girl which was already adapted into a movie last November 2014. I’ve read Gone Girl, and I’m telling you, it’s insaaaane! The mystery and the thrill were epic. So after reading one of her books, I’ve decided I want more of her wicked mind.
4. Stephen King books – I just know he’s famous for his Horror and Mystery books. So yeah. Lol. This was lame sorry sorry sorry

5. The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith – This was written by the queen J.K. Rowling but she used a pseudonym for a reason I am not aware of. Lol. A thriller book. Very different from her famous series Harry Potter. So I’m really curious on how was she able to execute on writing a different genre. Plus, my best friend told me it was great. What do you expect of J.K.? Excellence, of course. I hope it won’t disappoint.
6. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon – Well, you know, I’m easily persuaded, influenced and convinced on what books to read by book reviews or by friends’ suggestions. And this book was suggested by my best friend and of course the way she reacted, the way she “sell” this book to me, I know it’s really good.
7. Classic books – It was last year when I decided it’s important for me to read classics. I’m an English Major. I’ve only read two classic books last year and some were left unfinished. Hahaha! So this year, I’ll really try to accomplish this goal. Some books I really want to read are Bronté Sisters’ and Jane Austen’s books, The Great Gatsby, The Great Expectation and a whole lot more.

Hmm, I guess that’s it? Is this even considered a list? Lol. The bottom line of this post is my 2015 will be spent with a lot of sleepless nights and just-staying-at-home kind of days. Okay. Bye!!!!

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